Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Providing for the visual artistic elements of worship for the seasons of the church year, including candles, paraments, Advent wreath, hanging of greens, candelabras, wall sconces, silk flowers, fresh flowers. Contact Elaine Wertman at
Do you love to sing? Choir is a great way to make friends, laugh, and sing to the Lord. We are also currently seeking a new choir director. If you are interested in either singing in the choir, or in finding out more about this position or know someone who might be interested please contact Linda Fry at
A public Christmas event in which Faith Members and Friends are invited to share their artistic talents which include music, reading and other artistic presentations. This is a casual event designed to promote fellowship and fun and often engage the audience in participatory activities. contact Julie Bear at or 717-495-7739.
Would you like to prepare the bread and the juice for worship on Communion Sundays? If
you are interested, please contact Larry Bean at
Does music move you? Our praise team, Higher Ground, invites you to join us in congregational moving, clapping, and encouraging others in the congregation to do the same. Let's share our joy while praising God! Contact Tammy Cobosco at
If you are interested in learning more about reading passages from the Bible during worship, please contact Sheryl Smith at
We do not have a Nursery attendant, but parents are welcome to enjoy our Mustard Seed Nursery in our newly refurbished parlor! See any user for information.
Are you interested in sharing your gifts singing and/or playing a music instrument for our worship? Everyone is welcome! If interested or have questions, contact Linda Fry at or Tammy Cobosco ar
Do you like the use of video and audio in services and meetings? This team provides volunteers for the sound system for the Sunday services, supports video and audio for services, meetings and events, and investigates and recommends solutions for new requests. Training is provided. If you have an interested contact Pat Byrne at
Do you want to be a "front line ambassador" for Faith Church? Greeting and welcoming persons to the church and explaining and utilizing safety measures is the ministry of ushers/greeters. If interested, contact Larry Bean at
Bibles and Christian Books sitting on your shelf can transform lives for Christ in India. These Items are collected at church and then packed for delivery to a local coordinator. India, with over a billion people, has the second largest English-speaking population in the world. Many pastors and Christian leaders in India have no Bible study tools, and Bibles are scarce. Want to get involved? Contact Sheryl Smith at 717-792-9111.
Church members donate bags of cookies (packed 6 per bag), which are delivered to the truck stop. Bags of cookies, along with a message from Faith Church, are given to truck drivers to enjoy while traveling over the Christmas holidays. Want to help? Contact Pam Shultz at 717-818-3757.
Every February, we collect an offering to provide warm blankets, clean sleeping quarters, and fresh linens to those in need around the world. $10 can provide a clean, warm blanket. Contact Lisa Byrne at 717-434-7079, for more information.
Support our military families! Bring your manufacturers’ coupons to church and place them in the orange basket in the parlor. Our troops can use coupons up to 6 months after the expiration date. Contact Deb Kehr at 717-891-9368 for more information.
The Church World Service CROP Walk is held on a Sunday in October and raises funds to address hunger and food insecurity. Local pantries receive a portion of the funds raised each year. Our church organizes a team of walkers and raises funds through sponsors. This year, we will be walking in the neighborhood surrounding our church. Interested? Contact LuAnn Smith at
Faith Church collects spiral notebooks, Kleenex, and hand sanitizer for Back to School, for students. Our church also made a financial donation in 2021, to help stock the school’s food pantry. Contact Sandy Shifflett at 717-845-6971, to become involved.
Our church participates in the local Devers Area Neighborhood Association (DANA). We attend bimonthly meetings and join our neighbors for prayer walks. Want to get involved? Contact Pastor Ron at 717-870-3620 or
This once-a-year event (usually on the Saturday before Palm Sunday) gives us close contact with our neighbors as we organize filled plastic eggs donated by the congregation and go to Jim Grossman Park to hide the eggs so kids (neighbors and church) can find them. If interested contact Larry Bean at 717.887.1327 or
Currently, our church is providing financial assistance to Mr. Sandy’s Helping Hands Food Run, to provide food to those who are hungry in York city. In the past, we have prepared and served hot meals and bag lunches two times per year. Contact Pam Shultz at 717-818-3757, for more information.
This school, located in Haiti, provides safe, quality education to children who would not otherwise have the opportunity. Our church provides financial support, to assist with rent and other operating costs. We have held fundraisers in the past and have also sent supplies. Contact Renee Strine at 717-856-7570, to learn more.
Head Start provides comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children/families. We receive gift suggestions for 10 children. Church members shop for these gifts, within a designated dollar amount. Gifts are then delivered to children in the program. Call Sheryl Smith at 717-792-9111, to get involved.
At Christmas time, we have the opportunity to share the story of Jesus’ birth through a live presentation on our church lawn. Want to join us? Contact Pastor Ron at 717-870-3620 or
Mr. Sandy’s Homeless Veteran’s Shelter provides food, shelter, and clothing to veterans in the York community. Faith Church supports the shelter through financial donations and occasional manpower for projects such as painting or repairs. Contact Lisa Byrne at 717-434-7079 for more information.
Faith participates in this once-a-year national event held on the first Tuesday in August. There is great support from Jackie Merrero of the York City Police, as we sit outside the church, chat with our neighbors and church friends, and enjoy visits from the police and fire department. If interested contact Larry Bean at 717.887.1327 or
Shoebox gifts, packed with school supplies, hygiene items, and toys, are sent to children in need worldwide, and the Gospel is also shared. Every November, our church collects packed shoebox gifts, shoebox items, and usually holds a shoebox packing party. Contact Lisa Byrne at 717-434-7079, to get involved.
We can help the working poor around the world by contributing money to provide trust banks through Opportunity International. We periodically request money. Want to help? Contact Pastor Ron at 717-870-3620 or
The soup kitchen provides breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday in downtown York. One Sunday (every other month) church volunteers pick up a bag filled with supplies and a recipe to make tuna casseroles at home. Prepared casseroles are returned to the church kitchen Tuesday by 12:30pm. The casseroles are not baked until they get to the soup kitchen. Interested in helping? Contact Terri Grove at 717-659-1973.
This program has been helping people from our church and the surrounding community for 60+ years. Currently, we are giving $50.00 grocery cards (Giant and Weis) for those in need. Contact Ed Trodden at the church office, 717-843-8991, for more information.
A nonprofit opening a rehabilitative residence for survivors of sex trafficking. We participate in fundraising events, such as a dress sale and make financial donations. Contact Stephanie Oelrich at 717-881-4220, for more information.
Do you love Halloween? This once-a-year event (during the York City Halloween hours) gives us close contact with our neighbors as several church members / friends decorate cars with Halloween themes (not too scary) and hand out candy to our neighbors. If interested contact Larry Bean at 717.887.1327 or
This food pantry, located in York city, provides food, personal care, infant and adult supplies, as well as emergency care and prescription assistance to families in need through York County. The WELL is supported by area churches, to provide “a source of hope in a time of need”. Our church provides volunteers and financial support to The WELL. We also collect items (food and toiletry items) on a monthly basis. Want to get involved? Contact Deb Kehr at 717-891-9368.
Our Church’s Wider Mission, One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, and The Christmas Fund. Offerings are promoted through our newsletter and announcements. Donations are collected in church and at the church office.
Maya Angelou said “I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn”. If you feel that you have a lot to learn about your faith, join us for our small group adult Sunday school, following the church service, in the Chapel. We offer a variety of topics, and we learn through discussion and multimedia resources. Contact Sheryl Smith at or Annita Ort at
Do you want to know more about how the Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) relates to our daily lives? Join these periodic and seasonal studies of various Biblical books or themes. New opportunities coming soon.
This ministry caters to children in pre-school or younger. Contact the Church Office at 717.843.8991 for information.
Periodic activities are planned with our youth. Contact the Church Office at 717.843.8991 for information.
This summer activity is bible based for kids from 3 - 12. Contact the Church Office at 717.843.8991 for information.
This team helps the Faith family’s college students and active military personnel stay connected to Faith Church by sending monthly cards, birthday greetings, and a surprise or two. If you would like to be a part of this team, contact Sheryl Smith at
Is your TBR (To Be Read) pile taller than you are? Or is your "samples" list in your Kindle or Nook never-ending? Then have we got a group for you! We read and discuss books of all types...fiction, non-fiction, religion based or secular, popular or obscure...most are recommended by members of the group. We'll likely meet every 4-6 weeks. If interested in this group, please contact Annita Ort at
The British author Roald Dahl said “Life is more fun if you play games”. If you like to play board and card games, join this group for monthly fun and fellowship. There are some great new board games as well as the familiar ones that we all love. Contact Anthony Ricchiuto at
Come join our fun in the sun, faith, hope, and a little prayer garden group. If you enjoy gardening, this is the group for you. We will take care of the existing gardens and maybe plant some more. Contact: Harry Pandolfino at or Leslie Rogers at to join the fun!
A monthly Tuesday morning gathering of men for breakfast, fellowship and devotion. Contact the Church Office at 717.843.8991 for more information.
Want to help with interesting repair projects around the church? Whether you have specific skills or you are willing to learn, you are welcome to come to this monthly group. An option to gather at a local restaurant for breakfast is also included! Contact Dave Shissler at 717.659.3052 or Art McGinnis at for more information.
A monthly gathering of women for fellowship, refreshment and devotion. The Guild provides financial aid to numerous church and community events. Contact Sheryl Smith at or Linda Shissler 717.659.3052.
A Faith Birthday Angel calls members on their birthday (a list of birthdays will be provided).
Contact Kathy Kodadek at or Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested.
A team of trained persons who visits, calls by phone, or sends cards monthly to our Homebound. Contact Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested.
Sends cards to those hospitalized (surgeries or other procedures), deaths, or births – contact
Barb Markle at or Connie Graybill at 717.668.0641 if interested.
This team facilitates Welcoming and Relationships after Sunday services by setting our coffee and drinks, providing light snacks, and cleaning up the kitchen and Fellowship Hall. Contact Doris Snyder at 717.764.5076 or Sheryl Smith at if interested.
Provides a meal after a funeral (generally in Fellowship Hall). Contact Women’s Guild – Sheryl Smith at if interested.
Provides a listening ear and/or a list of resources to those dealing with grief, prays with people when asked, and attends funerals. Contact Anthony Ricchuito at if interested.
Assists in visiting those in hospital or rehab facilities. Contact Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 or Anthony Ricchuito at if interested in helping.
Contact the Church Office at 717.843.8991 if you know of someone in the hospital and needing prayers or a visit.
To help promote training, such as Standard First Aid, CPR, AED, etc. Contact Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested.
Inventory and maintain first aid supplies and to maintain the AED. Contact Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested.
Provide medical equipment – canes, crutches, walkers, shower chairs, potty chairs, wheelchairs to those who have a need. Contact Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested.
Pray when asked either by email - led by Bev Arnold at or by phone or text – led by Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Circle.
To make and distribute personal prayer shawls to those who need God’s love. Contact Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested.
To provide a gift for baptisms and confirmations. Provide a rose on the altar for a birth.
Upper Room and Care Notes. Contact the Church Office at 717.843.8991 for more information.
Do you want to help new members or prospective members connect with existing members and answer their questions about our church? Contact Linda Shissler at 717.659.3052 if interested.
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